Continuous Learning

Deployment Vs. Implementation – Is There a Difference?

This update was made on April 13, 2023.

Since I retired, the Point of Work Assessment (PWA) Workshop series has been discontinued, and the entire contents with worksheets and instructions are now only available in a new book I wrote earlier this year:

Confessions of a Performance Ninja: Optimizing Workforce Performance @ Point-of-Work.”

This book embodies the transformational aspects of change that come with any Deployment – Implementation – Adoption – Sustainability initiative, whether large or small. The confessions offered in this book came from things that worked well and some of my more epic failures over the last 15 years of performance consulting. Feedback tells me the book is on the money, and several wished they had access to a field guide like this years ago.

Continuous Learning

PERFORMANCE SUPPORT – Converging Learning with Point-of-Work

Performance Support is a term that often causes confusion, and in some cases, outright fear in the hearts of my HR and L&D colleagues. This post will attempt to clear up the confusion surrounding the tactical implementation of performance support. The fear quotient? To my knowledge, no L&D ISDs, developers or facilitators lost their jobs or were harmed in any implementation of performance support that I’ve been involved with to date. In fact, those very skills are critical to the success of sustaining performance support solutions. The real fear should consider what happens to L&D if status quo strategy and tactics do not evolve to embrace performance support.

Continuous Learning

Anatomy of Digital Performance Support (DPS) Integration

Digital Performance Support (DPS) represents an evolution of what we’ve known as Electronic Performance Support (EPS) and the technology that provides it, Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS). So…what has evolved about EPS making it worthy of calling it something else? Is DPS just lipstick on EPS? Definitely not! Here’s a link to a recent blog post by Mike Graham, CEO of Epilogue Systems that describes DPS in a little more detail. Cloud-based DPS opens a whole set of doors for driving sustained workforce capability at the Point of Work.

Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

Is 2018 Going To Be a Step-Change Year for L&D?

This morning I stumbled over an image posted by Guy Wallace of Pursuing Performance, another valued thought-leader I follow. His post stoked a rant. Here are both…the image…and the rant.

Continuous Learning

It’s Time to Go Ninja!

Who “woulda thunk it” possible to be swept up…or is swept out more appropriate…into the chaos of three corporate downsizing events in less than seven years? Could that even happen to the same guy? Oh, but yes it can…and it has. You’re reading his words right now. January 26th was when I was jettisoned through the window of opportunity yet again. The frequency of being jettisoned could cause one to pause and reflect, asking “Why me?” and question “What did I do? …or not do?”  The first time around, I went through the routine stages of the grieving process. The second time…not as much. This time around…I got it. It’s time to go Ninja!

Continuous Learning

Don’t Skimp On Discovery @ Point-of-Work

This post was triggered and complimentary to Bob Mosher’s post on 11/17…an important read that I agree with completely. What I offer today is an attempt to articulate a “Yes and…” in this post. The Critical Skills Analysis (CSA) used in the 5 Moments of Need methodology is extremely essential for distinguishing what can be addressed via formal training and what can…and should…be addressed in the workflow…not to mention where to focus priority. Check it out!

Continuous Learning

Boxed In By LearningTechnology

Boxed in By Technology?

Have you ever noticed how entrenched technology…and even some methodology…are accepted as the rule or the standard and innovation around those rules and standards get kind of…locked down? Even so, being in the “locked box” of technology, some innovation does indeed take place, but often it never exceeds the limitations of the box in which it’s locked down. The LMS comes to mind as one such technology, and learning design surfaces as one such methodology.

Continuous Learning

Performance Consultant Lives Matter!

We had just left a national all-hands company meeting where senior leadership fired everybody up with news of a potential buy-out at $97 per share. I’d been aggressively saving in the form of stock purchases at $11 for three years and had a sizeable stash of stock options maturing. The only question on my mind right then was, “Where am I going to park the boat?” Two weeks later we were informed the company had filed for Chapter 11 and all shares of common stock were worthless, and I was officially on the street. So much for the boat!

Continuous Learning

Performance Support: Just Gimme Three Clicks!

We see many articles these days lamenting the shortfall of employee engagement in the best efforts to develop and deliver compelling options to learn. L&D responds with shorter learning events. We gamify, and we “MOOC-ify”, and we mobilize, and there’s nothing wrong with any of these attempts to engage our learners in learning. Could it be we’re chasing the wrong rabbit? Or maybe we’re chasing the right rabbit but there is a more effective way?

Continuous Learning

Free Agent – Hurled Through the Window of Opportunity

Boss: “I have some unfortunate news.”

Me: (thinking to myself) ‘Here we go…again…’

Boss: “Your position has been eliminated effective a week from Friday.”

Me: “Hmmm, something tells me this is not a joke.”

Boss: “I’m sorry. This is no joke.”

(Not sure that’s the correct spelling for a rim shot, but that’s the audio clip that played in my head.)