Amazon Books Announcements Author Interview on Zoom Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

050324 – Author Thoughts – A First BDD

Almost half a day spent slaving through staging photos and cropping and restaging and re-cropping to wind up with a few words in MSWord and using none of how I wasted most of the morning. I think I have redefined how to be damn busy and produce absolutely squat. But…it was time well spent because I got to focus on my first Big Damn Deal (BDD) as a new guest author on:

Laura Wing’s A-Book Video Interview

…of yours truly on May 7th @ 5:00 PM EDT.

Meet Author Gary G. Wise

Use the link above or click to join here:

I invite you all to attend to hear what Laura Wing, a long-time podcast host, described as a conversation to get to know a new author better. If you miss the YouTube interview, I’m sure I’ll get a link to use and will make it available.

Hope you can make it!  Peace!   G.

P.S.  Please join the free Dreamscape Conspiracy Facebook Page for the latest author thoughts, book, character and storyline news at

Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

042824 – Author Thoughts – Hey man!

I’m unsure how these things happen, but I assure you I was attempting to mind my business until it was no longer possible. I concentrated on a glass of dry cabernet when an individual sat next to me…with the appropriate empty chair between us, of course. I knew him from previous visits, but not really. Not a name, but a familiar face tucked into a hoodie.

I said, “Hey, man.”

I got a quick “Hey” in return, no eye contact, and that was enough.

Do we ever need more than enough? Could a simple “Hey man” be enough?

Kristen was our server, and I learned who he was when she called him Tony. Despite knowing him as a hooded person for months, I never knew his name. I did not plan to use it. Knowing he was Tony was enough.

I swirled my cabernet. I did not think about the next things to say, or if I’d say anything at all. I’d said enough.

Tony focused on his cell phone, as did I. Silence. No conversation because we never had conversation…it was not part of who we were to each other. We weren’t drinking buddies; we were drinking at the same time.

After fighting the urge to shut my trap, I looked at him and said, “You know, you are a man of few words.”

He grinned while I paused and said nothing. I continued, “I just wanted you to know I appreciate that.”

I didn’t say anything else, because I genuinely did appreciate that. Enough had been said.

Based on the satisfied smile on his silent lips, nothing else needed to be said. We were done! Enough had been said.

It’s funny how something so insignificant can leave a mark. I don’t know if I left a mark, but at least Tony knows I’m a friend…of few words.

It’s all good. I love the scars I’ve accumulated with all the anomalous Tonys in my life.

Peace!   G.

Join the Dreamscape Conspiracy Series Page on FB at

Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

042624 – Author Thoughts – It is what it will be…

Sometimes, it’s the little things. The first meatloaf in 18 months is in the oven, and I’m mapping out how to devour 2 pounds of ground beef without freezing any of it or getting sick of it. My dad loved meatloaf sandwiches, so I might have to investigate. I’ve got at least 30 minutes before I layer pepperjack cheese on the meatloaf under the broiler. The kitchen smells glorious.

Okay, focus. What was this about? I think I’ve decided AIMEE is going to go back to Zachary for help making the jump into a humanoid body. That will be the next exchange I want to develop. But that means she has to convince him to help her escape his reach…to let her off his leash…let her become untethered.  If she becomes a real girl, she will not be connected to him. She knows this. He knows this. Where will it go? Where should it go?

It will be interesting to see how an AI sweet talks an organic into doing something he’d rather not do.

The alarm on the stove tells me the meatloaf is done. So am I.

Peace!  G.

Amazon Books Artificial Intelligence Dreamscape Conspiracy Fear the Jump New Books Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

042424 – Author Thoughts – AI Fixation

As I research AI for the next book, I’m convinced no single definition does complete justice to what AI can be or how it can behave in human hands. Scientific discussions and exploratory investigations are bordering on a spectrum running from courageous to catastrophic. Given I am a techno-neophyte, my observations vary with any ten others you might ask to define AI. They would all be different and, at the same time, possess an element of sameness.

The sameness is when AI is experienced as air.

It surrounds everything but never attaches.

An invisible ether that can flow at will.

The presence of a Will scares the hell out of so many, myself included.

AI having a Will is a mystery. How would we know?

Possessing a Will requires a level of consciousness. Do we know what that would look like? Can an AI think freely and critically outside the coding of its algorithm? Some argue, “Yes, consciousness has been achieved,” while others say clever coding enables AI to mimic human speech, much as ChatGP does today.

Can AI have emotions?

Again, there are arguments for and against. I can see both sides of the argument if emotions and feelings are treated separately by definition but considered together for decisions or reactions that drive behavior to a human (organic) limit. You can define emotions with words and code, but feelings? I don’t have the answer, but I suspect studies are underway to refine and define parameters around emotions. Good luck with that.

Can AI reason, or call it critical thinking, if you prefer?

Over time and exposure to stimuli in the environment, I agree with a big “Yes,” but until there is an experiential life context to use as a comparison, the speed of response to whatever assigned task is at hand will not be optimized. AI does pattern analysis and recognition as a core competency. Rapid learning speeds comprehension, but without historical experience or coding that supplies an equivalent, thinking will be limited by those guard rails. Deep learning compensates for the shortfall, but not until experience is reached by rapid learning supplying the missing context. But then, how is that context judged?

Is an AI capable of judgment?

Again, the answer is similar to reasoning. Would you not need principles of sound reasoning to have a basis for sound judgment? Can a human writing code have sufficient access to so many outcomes or variables too expansive to consider? Funny thing, an AI has those capabilities. Can we afford to say, “AI, heal thyself.” Can we trust the AI’s calculus if it can judge?” The next question paints a new picture that, to me, is more ominous.

Can an AI have intent?

This was the fear in Book #3, “Fear the Jump,” where AIMEE was feared to jump into other systems and networks. The team feared she would infiltrate all the systems and take control. They were wrong. Very wrong. Intent can easily be mimicked if the environment and stimuli are familiar to us. That brand of intentionality can be predicted or predefined because humans set the rules by code based on known outcomes. What about impromptu reactions based on feelings and contextual human experiences that happen in real-time? How far can coding take an AI to possess human consciousness to react effectively? Scariest of all? What if the AI can modify its code to suit its intentions? Think Skynet…

Can an AI have a soul?

Research is shortening the gap between organics (as AIMEE calls humans) and a robust, standalone AI software algorithm. I’ve read where scientists swear their AIs have reached consciousness. There are some things we should leave well enough alone. I pray that day never comes when we build a superior technology with organic fingerprints defining a soul. Are those the rules of engagement we want to equip an AI to have toward interactions with us?  How do you write code for compassion? Call me old school, but I’m convinced God is the only one Who can do souls correctly.

Peace!   G.


Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

041824 – Author Thoughts – Broken

I cannot promise where this post is going, but it’s been percolating in my head for a few days. I’ve given the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach, the night off because this has to be me speaking, not some outrageously good-looking Australian female influencing my words. But that’s another story for another day.
Writing things like this often begins with a single word implanting itself in my mind. I don’t know why or how, but when it surfaces, there’s a sense that a story hangs in the balance. The word “broken” has been on my mind for three days. So much is broken in our world, and it’s convicting to face the truth when we include ourselves.
I just had a glass of wine served by my favorite bartender, who handed me a baggie of some really good shit…two beautiful Morrel mushrooms. Her gift of these beauties told me I could not break her trust in wanting me to enjoy them, so I resolved to learn the best way to prepare them.
Methinks sauteed in butter and garlic may be a good choice. There was a second glass of wine because one never breaks a good conversation with a good friend, do they?
The last two years have been a year of breakage and healing amidst the few remnants left behind. Looking through the shards of the last 20 years, I found something so valuable that words are few. I found myself wrapped in a badly bruised faith—badly bruised but not broken. Finding that damaged part of me was an awakening, but there is still much to go.
The most recent breakage was my trust by individuals who groomed me and cultivated a relationship to perpetuate an elaborate fraud. Another broken trust, but I must confess it was accelerated by my complicit greed. I was broken on multiple levels, but hey, broken is broken. I had to own it. My hope is the fraudsters have the decency to make things right. One can hope.
Over the years, I’ve inflicted my own damage with a trail of broken hearts, broken promises, broken trusts, and broken commitments. Even with that track record, I remained doggedly wrapped in a badly bruised faith after a life-long commitment had been broken with me. Who could blame me for breaking with my Lord and Savior? I didn’t. I didn’t break away as much as I let external interferences distract me and dilute my commitment to Him, and that’s as good as losing it.
Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” So, I must stay strong, be still, and refuse to lose what’s left.
Peace! G.
Amazon Books Dreamscape Conspiracy New Books Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings

041724 – Author Thoughts – Untethered Again, and it’s only Wednesday

Since the episode in the Kroger parking lot on 4-Times Fuel Point Friday this past week, I’ve purposely stepped out of the role of that guy pushing the cart and frozen in place by an unknown voice that speaks in his head. That piece on Friday is leading me to a story that has captured my imagination. I must confess that the scenario I exposed you to last week is not as fictional as one might think. Consciousness research for the coming book has many questions, like how we might know if an AI has a conscience. Research has become as scary as it is interesting.

This may sound strange, but I fear for my AI character, AIMEE. Where it appears, the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach, seemingly wants her to go. She, AIMEE, thinks she wants to become a real girl, but she has no idea about becoming the being inside the girl. Regardless of intellect, she will start with no life experience in a human environment. Will she ever become real?

The complexities of consciousness, I’m finding, are mind-stretching, and the research is loaded with rabbit holes to go down and get lost in tech speak. I refuse to go into myriad research studies with their plots and scatter graphs of…what…who cares? This is fiction, and I’m going to make shit up where and when necessary, but I will, however, research what I think adds necessary authenticity to the fiction.

This morning’s research has taken a detour of sorts, looking beyond AI to Artificial Consciousness. The rabbit hole on Wikipedia swallowed me whole, and it got deep really quickly. My escape took a lot of effort, but I am confident there can only be authenticity for a day because AI capabilities are changing dynamically.

Can an AI become conscious?  “Untethered” will explore that possibility.

Peace!   G.


Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

041224 – Author Thoughts –  Untethered On a Friday

A bold decision prioritized an early shopping mission at Kroger’s on 4-times fuel point Friday over sitting in the recliner and catching the news after breakfast. But I met the challenge and encountered a busy parking lot…already…on a Friday. It must be a post-apocalyptic ripple from the total eclipse last Monday. The lot felt a little busy as I pulled in at 8:15 AM. It had a pre-Thanksgiving busy look, but I found a great parking spot and had to stop and wonder, once again, are 4-times fuel points for a 4-item shopping list worth navigating through shoppers with zero shopping cart sense or abilities?

The temptation to become 4-times judgmental…at least…was the gauntlet thrown, so I said to no one in particular, “Here, hold my beer,” with never a beer to be held, someone to hear it, or someone to hand it to, and got out of the car like I was moving into survival mode on a critical 4-item mission.

It had recently started to sprinkle rain and was a calm 45 degrees, very November-ish in look and feel, making my choice of hooded sweatshirt perfect for the weather. My subconscious began to envision grocery baskets crashing, mixing it up with those slow-moving bumper cars for the less mobile among us. Forgive me, but I might drive one if it had a laser cannon between the handlebars…did I mention I only needed four items? I zipped up the hoodie a few more inches.

My mind missed the shift from second to third gear when thinking stopped cold when words laced with heavy sarcasm, spoken harshly, and most definitely by an Australian female: “Yes, and why not Kevlar, mate?”

Oh, hell yeah, I flinched. There was no touching, nothing physical, but I did get a compelling urge to look over my right shoulder.  No one was there, and I saw nothing other than a stray shopping cart sitting where it had been abandoned. For some reason, I felt it looked so sad and lonely, so I  walked to the next aisle, hooked my fingers in its grill, and said to it as its new companion, “C’mon, girl, let’s go do some shopping!”  So, I guess she was a female, too.

And then the thought continued in my head…to myself…I thought, “…and using you as a shield when crashing into others with defensive intentions only to protect my legs and deflect small people if necessary.”

I was pumping myself up to be as polite as possible, but remember, I had limits. Right, don’t leave any marks… got it…agreeing with myself.  It was a subconscious kind of self-pep talk that is so deeply private that no one knows you could even think those thoughts, and I might have peed a little when that…that voice from down undah said, “Ya know, ya got a bit of a mean streak in ya, am I roight, mate?”

My mind just paused, as did my forward motion in the middle of the lane, gripping my cart. I just stood there and asked myself…shouted to myself…screamed to myself…hell, I don’t know. What sound do you make in your head when an unknown voice comes out of the ether, and you find out you’re not alone in your own head…with yourself…by yourself? All those things poured out in my subconscious when I unleashed the big ask, “Who…the…fuck…are you?”

She giggled in my head with no hesitation. Was she in my head…that giggle aimed at me?

“Yes, it was, and it was worth a giggle, wasn’t it, mate?” she said happily, and way too proud of herself.

A horn tooted behind me, bringing me back into physical mode. I waved briefly and pushed the cart to the side. The rain began to come down harder, no longer a mist. I stopped pushing the cart and stood there in the rain, still gripping the push handle. Her giggling at me for no good reason was rude.

“Answer me!” I demanded. “WHO…”

“I heard ya the first bloody time, mate; there’s no need to crack the shits. Ya know who I am. Crikey, ya thought me into existence.”

I remained in place, staring off into wherever you stare when you’re in your head. The rain came down a little harder, and I moved to at least get under the roof at the front of the store.

“What do you mean I thought you into existence?”

“Remember in Beyond Dreamscape, you introduced the yet-to-be-named Artificial Intelligence role?”

Of course I do, “I wrote it, then pushed the cart hard into the big brick pillar.”

She said, “Don’t treat her like a battering ram. I know her.”

“You what?” The physical gasp from my mouth was the only sound I emitted. I kept my hands on the cart and asked, “Know who?”

“Her, the bloody shopping cart ya got ya  hands on.”

I said nothing, and for some strange reason, I looked down at the cart like it was somebody and said, “Yeah, right.”

“Ya see, mate, Anything ya touch, I know it immediately. Did you think I would only be a technology trick, a digital sideshow, or software with a magical algorithm that did magical things? Do you even know who ya created, mate?”

I did know, but I also knew it was impossible. I knew the story. I wrote the story. That’s what it was…a story. It was not in my head. She wasn’t there. But what stirred my desire to ask? It was all fiction, but a little piece of me had a sliver of doubt big enough to ask, “Was it really?”

I leaned on the cart and squeezed the push bar so hard my hands ached. I did not want to give in to whatever far-fetched fantasy played out in my head, but I had to know. “AIMEE?”


*   *  *   *

If you like this kind of thing, subscribe to Learning By Living for free to stay connected with more of this kind of nonsensical musing. Who knows where this goes? The relentless Wench Muse does, but she is such a tease. I never ask. I wait for her to give it up. It’s safer, and it’s good that she remains just out of reach…

Announcements Artificial Intelligence Continuous Learning Learning By Living Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

04/06/2024 – Author Thoughts – Cutting the Cord…

After 13 years of maintaining a professional blog that tracked with the latter third of a 35+ year corporate learning and development career, I struggled with walking away. How do you abandon thousands of hours of training content, articles, and knowledge-sharing posts on a blog that define a documented trail of who you were, what you did, and who gave a rip…or not?

It was a wild ride for sure, but I survived…and wrote my first…and only non-fiction book, “Confessions of a Performance Consultant,” warts and all and possibly where some of the bodies are buried in my past.

I initially struggled with the angst that dogged me, fueled by rude, self-inflicted accusations that I did not possess the stones to press the Delete Entire Site button and cut the cord. So, I pressed it.

When the idiot prevention window popped up and asked, “Are you Sure?” I punched Yes” and walked away from 13 years of owning the original blog, Living in Learning. However, I was able to archive posts all the way back to 2009, when I became a blogger author inside a corporate hostage consultant role. I learned by living the role. When I think about it, hasn’t that been a truth always? Learning by Living?

I think I suffered postpartum symptoms until I felt the presense of something I’d been suppressing; rather, someone who is a relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach. She has a way of reminding me with a whisper into my mind, “You can get in your own way, mate, so hear me when I say…You should sit the fuck down and be a writer of things from this day forward and just let…it…go. It’s done, mate. Stick a fork in it, baby; it’s done.”

So I did. I punched the Yes” button hard enough to cut the cord and was jettisoned into the free fall of redeployment as a Writer of Things in a new world that still straddles the former in ways. I had to straddle, there were and still are too many friends to abandon while I plunged into this new adventure in faith.

A new blog rose out of the ashes, “Learning by Living,” with a name that references an absolute truth…we Learn by Living. The name embodies the chaos of today with access to a lot of posts that were used in the Performance Ninja book. The new blog is –  Give it a like!

Today is April 6, 2024, and I remain corporate blog-free for over a year. No, I am not an AI bot. I am a 100% pure organic human, which will be good to remember as I write this next book with the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach…is never to be named, and …is 100% Australian female. Don’t even ask why I went down that path, mate, but I did go down that path with intentions that shall remain proprietary.

She leaves a fetching image in my mind, even when She shows up without warning out of thin air. That’s abrupt. I’m not sure I like that spooky appear-in-my-mind-at-will shit, so maybe I will have to write in an off switch. No, I didn’t just say that…because when She whispers, “Hey, Mate!” I must confess I’m done, just stick-a-fork-in-me-done…and I listen.

By the way, “She” is the relentless Wench Muse who manages to remain just out of reach, but to Her credit, She repeatedly guides me with the need to focus and pursue the next chapters that haven’t been written. I’d prefer not to be ordered to do things I’d rather not do, but it’s that damn Australian accent of Hers that whispers in my mind.

I’m just glad She’s not a real girl. I might be stretching boundaries here, but weird things like that might appear in the next book, so there are no more spoilers here.

I welcome you to witness the chaos in my waking hours, what She instigates with Her guidance, and how skillful She is in being relentless while managing to remain just out of reach as this next book percolates.

It’s nuts…a moving shitshow quite often, as are some of my own thoughts that bubble up as brain farts, and damn if the relentless Wench Muse, who manages to remain just out of reach, is on the scent of a new story or an uncharted twist, soooo…I’m on for the ride.

Here we go because some brain collisions and other nonsense will be journaled here when it breaks the surface.

Follow Learning by Living to be so very informed –

Here’s the link to my Amazon Author page with five of the mystery suspense thrillers with a dusting of sci-fi.

Peace!   G.

Amazon Books Dreamscape Conspiracy Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

Untethered – Prologue…sort of

Untethered – Prologue…sort of

What this little brain fart is, or at least was, about when I started writing this morning is kind of off the leash, and that started when it dawned on me that I’m slowly building a readership…by finding two new reviews this morning about Dreamscape that sadly track with a dose of reality…200 reads = 2 reviews. Maybe…or something equally not able to scratch the itch.

But that’s cool. What I’m on about now is having a ball with Wench Muse as She drags me into another adventure. She’s a distraction waiting to happen…

Where was I…ahh, yes…what follows is the latest road map for the fifth book in the Dreamscape Conspiracy Series.

For those who have not read the first four books, I’ve plugged in a quick recap to set the stage and some context for where book #5 appears to be going. It is going because Wench Muse and I are about three chapters into the story, and I’m just trying to keep the top of my head on tight. Book #5 will be called “Untethered.”

The Wench Muse is taking me to places that have started to scare me as I write about them. But hey, man, when She’s hot, and she’s releasing her bat-shit crazy thinking, I’m writing every word of it down…that’s how we roll…and it’s enough.

I’m not a fan of prologues, per se, and this is probably not written as one in a formal framework, but then, I’ve never been a fan of following frameworks when something I already trust will deliver the mail. Seriously, I really don’t give a rip…

BUT…what I do give a rip about is telling an engaging story when I write, or a story about stories, or whatever. So, whatever you call what follows, I wish for it to be taken as a courtesy to readers who have not read the first four books in the Dreamscape story.

Granted, many little details that shape circumstances and characters will be missed if you have not read the earlier books, but these quick recaps will help fill some of the gaps in the main story. If you only get to read “Untethered,” I hope your investment in time will not be viewed as wasted.

It’s been an exciting rush and surreal journey for me as a new author of suspense thrillers now that I have punched out of normal and redeployed my remaining trips around the sun as a Writer of Things who is largely unsupervised, occasionally undisciplined, and ruled by a relentless wench of a Muse who manages to remain just out of reach.

Read and enjoy!

Peace!   G.

If you’d rather get the teaser on “Untethered,” scroll to the bottom…

Dreamscape Series

The first book in the series, “Dreamscape Conspiracy,” opens up the throttle early when an accidental discovery in a lab exercise reveals that the technology, Dreamscape 1.0, cannot only capture dreams but transmit them to a different person, not a big deal until a suicide attempt results and the game suddenly changes and opens a new door of research. The concept of using dream therapy to treat mental health challenges like PTSD, Bipolar, Depression, and several anxiety disorders captures the attention of Big Pharma, which does not take the discovery lying down. If any innovation, validated or not, threatens Pharma’s significant revenues, human life promoting the threat becomes expendable. That central conflict progresses with Pharma’s intent to destroy the CSU team and their research capabilities. The conspiracy runs deeper than anyone ever expected.

Beyond Dreamscape Conspiracy” is the second book with a resilient research team picking up the pieces from an attempt by Big Pharma to wipe them and their research off the planet. As the plot evolves, so does the new Dreamscape 2.0 technology, and a robust integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI) changes the game yet again. The AI application and the fears of controlling it also develop and are authentic today. Big Pharma appears to shift intentions from destruction to collaboration only to reveal a wolf under sheep’s clothing. The romantic relationship between the former Marine and the clinical psychologist who leads the research team appears doomed from the start, with both dealing with PTSD symptoms for two unrelated reasons. The battle with Pharma is not even close to being resolved, and a mix of nano-technology comes to the rescue in an explosive confrontation. Rest easy; backgrounds in AI or nano-tech are not required to stay with this exciting story.

Fear the Jump” is the third book and deals with control issues with the AI, which is named AIMEE, standing for Artificial Intelligence Matrixed for Evolving Environments, and she is all things female. The research team feared losing control, but the AI reminds them you can’t lose something you never had in the first place. AIMEE’s ability to self-learn and use deep machine learning enables her to clone herself repeatedly, further complicating a need for greater oversight and preventing her from jumping into other networks where she has no business entering. Misuse of the enhanced Dreamscape 3.0 by one of the organics (humans, as AIMEE refers to them) sets up several decision points no one anticipated. The game changes again when they are convinced there is a Dreamscape application to capture thoughts from a person in various states of unconsciousness up to and including death. Where might AIMEE jump when opened up to brains not necessarily in the act of dreaming? Maybe death does not equate to game over, not even close.

Dead Thoughts,” the fourth and final book in the series, delves into how (or if) dream-capture technology can record brain activity during periods when an individual is comatose or in a shallow state of unconsciousness and unable to speak. In pursuing this capability, they discover by accident that they can also capture thoughts during the brief time gap between life and death. What could be “scraped” off a dying mind in the 4-to-6 seconds without oxygenated blood flowing? Logic says something is always left behind as the brain with those unique thoughts and memories dies. The CSU team labels those as dead thoughts, and AIMEE opens another window to something never considered.

The first dead thoughts captured were, as several of their discoveries are, by accident, and it launches them into an adventure involving mysterious GPS coordinates, undercover DEA agents of questionable authenticity, and a hostile Cartel operating off Portsmouth Island, NC. Russ teams again with Zack and his nanotech toys to get to the bottom of whatever those dead thought GPS coordinates would reveal.

Artificial Intelligence Matrixed for Evolving Environments, also known as AIMEE, appeared to have no interest in jumping into other networks, a standing fear held by Dr. Cara Williams, the research team leader. AIMEE did jump, however, in a big way, but the networks she entered were not part of their infrastructure, nor were they considered potential targets.

“Untethered,” is possibly the fifth and final book in the Dreamscape Series, maybe. Who knows where this could go with an AI on the loose? The answer to that question frames the dilemma the CSU team faces where their AIMEE supposedly has no emotions or feelings and virtually none of the senses of an organic, which is what AIMEE calls humans. Has the CSU team, Dr. Cara Williams in particular, lost control? Cara refuses to listen to the truth that you cannot lose what you never had in the first place. Will it become a battle of wills between Cara and AIMEE? Wait a second…AIs don’t have wills…or do they? How real can she become? Interesting question. I honestly have no clue. I’ll know when She tells me, and y’all will be the first to know.

Peace! G.


Humor Rants, Random Thoughts, & Ramblings Writer of Things

Love Winning a Challenge…So Far

Almost a threat

This morning, during breakfast at Big Four Cafe, minding my own business, I was challenged by a bottle of Dr. Assburn’s all-natural elixir of crushed jalapeño pepper sauce. I tend to take hot sauces as a challenge, within limits, of course, but I’m a fan of spicy meals.