Continuous Learning

Data Analytics Vs. Tsunami

Yikes! Now that’s a visual. Maybe avalanche would be appropriate too. Enabling access to metrics and measures into the hands of those not able to answer the question “What does sustained workforce capability look like?” may very well unleash something we cannot outrun. Addressing data analytics with an eye for extracting actionable information is critical or those tasked to make informed decisions can easily and quickly drown in data or become buried in short order. Are we chasing after data as much as we are chasing Evidence of Sustained Capability (EOSC)? What data represent EOSC?

Continuous Learning

ROI vs. EOSC – Evidence of Sustained Capability

This return on investment (ROI) thing is getting out of hand. There is no question that valid ROI is invaluable in justifying the decision to make [or not] key investments. I have to ask, “So what is actionable about ROI after justifying/verifying an investment decision?”  To get there, we seek event-specific evidence to confirm good or bad investment decisions; I cannot see anything else actionable. Seeking ongoing evidence that we created a sustained capability serves a better purpose. I do not know who said this, but it is so true, “The pursuit of true ROI does not yield a good ROI”. That said, if the concept of ROI falls into the wrong hands, it becomes a knee-jerk, ritualized, abused, and misapplied expectation, ultimately morphing into a ridiculous exercise I refer to as Return on Every Damn Thing (ROEDT).