Continuous Learning

Survey Said…“Enough with the E-Learning Already!”

This could be a rant…so hang onto something…

It’s funny that our recently surveyed learners told us to STOP forcing E-Learning on them when I just read someplace that E-Learning is on the rise as the solution of choice. The bastion of L&D and the E-Learning vendors are sold on e-learning as the answer it seems. Either our recently on-boarded performers (learners) that we surveyed at the Point-of-Work are whacked, or the folks who are supposed to be on the bleeding edge of developing effective learning solutions are smoking something.

Learning By Living

The Hardest Four Years

<God Alert:>This piece is not my usual rant about some aspect of corporate learning. It still is about learning, but is tagged for the Learning About Living side of the Living in Learning blog. Some might ask, “Why combine something like this in a corporate learning blog?” I in turn would ask, “How can God not be a part of every facet of our lives, both personal and corporate?” I promise I am not going to preach, though a southern accent would be befitting of a bible thumping preacher. I don’t thump, but I do read His Word, and when He is heavy on my heart to do something, I have little choice but to be obedient. I fail at that often, but this morning I am compelled to write…with no idea where it is going to wind up. I find that exciting and it is like a mystery waiting to be revealed. </God Alert>

Learning By Living

Draw of the Flame

When we get to a certain age – and when that age may be is at best uncertain – we look back at the source of all the scars we carry from mistakes we made from making bad choices along the road of life.  From years as invincible teenagers to adults bearing down on the end game at an accelerating pace, we see so many of those scars forewarned by parents and unofficial mentors. Did we listen? Having the scars proves that warnings meant little, no matter how well intended. After all, we were teenagers, and we were nearly bulletproof. From those scars came hard-earned wisdom, assuming of course, that whatever life challenge we confronted did not kill us first. I wonder…is there any way we can posture learning to smooth this journey called life that does not leave lasting scars?

Learning By Living

The Power of Choice

The first step out onto the steel cable came with almost no hesitation. The safety harness ensured that I would only plunge about three-feet of the fifty or so I hung above terra firma. The exposed rocks that appeared below me made me feel even heavier than my 245 pounds, doubting the limits the safety harness would support, so I resolved to never take another glance. I probably would not have time to gaze down anyway as the journey started to look like an endless shuffle from tree to tree, straining for the security of the next solid looking wooden platform. At least that was the part of the course I could see.