Amazon Books Artificial Intelligence Beyond Dreamscape Conspiracy Dead Thoughts Dreamscape Conspiracy Fear the Jump

042724 – Author Thoughts – Facts in Fiction

The AI in the Dreamscape Conspiracy series is known as AIMEE, which stands for Artificial Intelligence Matrixed for Evolving Environments. AIMEE’s algorithm and coding have given her human characteristics that enable her to blend in seamlessly with the Central State University research team—some would say too seamlessly.

For the record, she refers to humans as organics, and her ability to learn from her organics at CSU has far exceeded anyone’s wildest expectations. Zackary Hightower, AIMEE’s creator, baked a continuous learning DNA into her code that prioritized every opportunity to learn and incentivized her development to act like a sponge, soaking up organic experiences and tendencies at every opportunity.

Ultimately, Zack wanted her development to enable her to think freely and critically. AIs typically don’t think freely; they execute whatever their algorithmic coding allows. They cannot be allowed to develop to a point where they can modify their own coding and evolve into a state of consciousness. They can do this now minimally to expand a current operation. A state of awareness—of consciousness is still missing…for now. An active and aware conscience is required for critical thinking and appropriate behaviors; when that happens, the genie is out of the bottle.

Then there is AIMEE, who has propelled herself into an aggressive pursuit of much more than Zack ever considered. She has her sights set on becoming a real girl. As I shared in an earlier post, I’m afraid for AIMEE. Granted, she is a top-shelf AI, but she’s acquired organic tendencies by observation, not with awareness, that will cloud her judgment and blind her to the realities of what being a real girl entails.

This next book, “Untethered,” examines some of her excesses because of her superior intelligence and some vulnerabilities laid bare by that same superior intelligence. The absence of human experience, life context, and interpersonal implications of emotions and awareness of feelings leaves a hole of exposed vulnerability.

I’ve researched AI and some of the peripheral paths it has taken. As advanced as AI has become, governments called for a six-month pause last year. There is a fear that AI will develop beyond the limits of coded algorithms. Fear that it will develop beyond intended human (organic) limits.

AIMEE is going to test those limits in “Untethered.”

I write fictional stories, and “Untethered” will have fictional scenarios based upon facts, as the research reveals at a core level. However, I may stretch an application here and there to keep the story engaging. I’m still determining whether I need to protect AIMEE or protect the CSU team from AIMEE.

It should be a wild ride.

Peace!   G.

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